Doodles....from the heart....head and elsewhere....

Friday, June 26, 2009


P.S.Whoever is reading...i haven't done a spell or grammar please ignore any typos.I wrote this on a piece of paper...

Disclaimer: I'm not showing off...just spewing some thoughts that came forth.....also....none of the thoughts are interconnected in anyway.Excuse madi.


What a long hiatus it has been from the world of blogging.

What dragged me out of my perpetual reverie ? Michael Jackson's sudden death.Just inspired me to put pen to paper again and count my blessings as well.

A big part of my childhood was spent listening to his songs over and over again...till the cassette was so worn would cease to exist.
Thriller would make my world come alive...and the bit in the end when a whacko devil starts laughing.....just can't forget the way my dad would use that to get me to behave myself.LOL.....
M.J has influenced me so much in allowing me to think out of the box on so many occasions.He has been an icon i've strongly loved and admired all my life.His music and dancing skills have "knocked me of my feet".I'm feeling so woebegone that our kids and grand kids won't have a chance to feel the MJ magic.....
May his soul always rock on....

Counting my blessings.....
His death has dragged my mind back to my childhood and growing up days.....and it refuses to come back....
A small part of me has been reminiscing about my life and the way it's gone all these's changed so drastically.....

I've ended up doing so many things on my mental list of "things to do in this lifetime".....

For starters, I fell in love with an angel.....and better still, got to marry him in a dream wedding.Cool huh :)

Touching a DOS only computer for the first time ever...when I was in third standard.....and learning all those DOS commands...felt like I had some magic wand in my hand.It felt so different from everything I had ever done in my life.Almost like first love or something.
I swore to myself...that I would always be in a career that made use of computers...even if it was data entry :)
I worked with my dream company of all time for two long years and still feel on top of the world for doing so.I remember I would go past their office on Bannerghata road when I was in college....and I would imagine myself working there....and one fine just happened.

Believe it or only ambition in life was to loose weight....and I did....lost every pound there was to loose....and it does not matter that now it's all coming back :)

I always feared dancing in public....even though I loved anything that demanded that I was on always left me with a serious dose of low self esteem...but i managed to dance....for two long years....with an amazing group of people....and the first one to hit the dance floor.

Wanted to meet Rahul Dravid.....and guess what....he came home....

Always wanted to visit New York....and now I live right there.....

Life's always gives you what you never expected.....and everything arrives unannounced....blink and you'll miss the action.

Sitting here....waiting for my Visa which hasnt showed up for 8 months just hoping Lady luck does one more of her thingamajig's and gets my heart racing again.....get's my future back on track.
Im counting on it :)