Doodles....from the heart....head and elsewhere....

Friday, June 26, 2009


P.S.Whoever is reading...i haven't done a spell or grammar please ignore any typos.I wrote this on a piece of paper...

Disclaimer: I'm not showing off...just spewing some thoughts that came forth.....also....none of the thoughts are interconnected in anyway.Excuse madi.


What a long hiatus it has been from the world of blogging.

What dragged me out of my perpetual reverie ? Michael Jackson's sudden death.Just inspired me to put pen to paper again and count my blessings as well.

A big part of my childhood was spent listening to his songs over and over again...till the cassette was so worn would cease to exist.
Thriller would make my world come alive...and the bit in the end when a whacko devil starts laughing.....just can't forget the way my dad would use that to get me to behave myself.LOL.....
M.J has influenced me so much in allowing me to think out of the box on so many occasions.He has been an icon i've strongly loved and admired all my life.His music and dancing skills have "knocked me of my feet".I'm feeling so woebegone that our kids and grand kids won't have a chance to feel the MJ magic.....
May his soul always rock on....

Counting my blessings.....
His death has dragged my mind back to my childhood and growing up days.....and it refuses to come back....
A small part of me has been reminiscing about my life and the way it's gone all these's changed so drastically.....

I've ended up doing so many things on my mental list of "things to do in this lifetime".....

For starters, I fell in love with an angel.....and better still, got to marry him in a dream wedding.Cool huh :)

Touching a DOS only computer for the first time ever...when I was in third standard.....and learning all those DOS commands...felt like I had some magic wand in my hand.It felt so different from everything I had ever done in my life.Almost like first love or something.
I swore to myself...that I would always be in a career that made use of computers...even if it was data entry :)
I worked with my dream company of all time for two long years and still feel on top of the world for doing so.I remember I would go past their office on Bannerghata road when I was in college....and I would imagine myself working there....and one fine just happened.

Believe it or only ambition in life was to loose weight....and I did....lost every pound there was to loose....and it does not matter that now it's all coming back :)

I always feared dancing in public....even though I loved anything that demanded that I was on always left me with a serious dose of low self esteem...but i managed to dance....for two long years....with an amazing group of people....and the first one to hit the dance floor.

Wanted to meet Rahul Dravid.....and guess what....he came home....

Always wanted to visit New York....and now I live right there.....

Life's always gives you what you never expected.....and everything arrives unannounced....blink and you'll miss the action.

Sitting here....waiting for my Visa which hasnt showed up for 8 months just hoping Lady luck does one more of her thingamajig's and gets my heart racing again.....get's my future back on track.
Im counting on it :)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

a walk in the clouds

The breeze was teasing my long hair…gently whispering to me to look at the sky above….i opened my eyes….and realized I had fallen asleep in the terrace garden after watering all the plants……
What fun it had been…..playing with the water and feeling absolute bliss in making the plants turn greener and fresher……with my water pipe which was also playing my magic wand….
Looking at the sky….made my heart leap…..the clouds were having a fancy dress competition in the sky……they were disguised as the most interesting of creatures…..
Master cirrus was dressed as the dog Pluto…..leaping across the sky……chasing a ball of wool…..Little Pileus was dressed as Cupid….complete with arrows and hearts…..he seemed to have an ice cream in his hand as well…..hmmmm……summer in heaven mustve gotten to him…..Stratus and gang were hiding all the stars in the sky…..those mischief mongers could not help themselves…..ignoramuses…..
Cumulus was having a play acted out in the delicious looking grape colored sky…..and with the Philips building’s pink neon light adding its color… sure looked like an ice cream in the making…..
The lake below was shimmering…like a million diamonds…the moon was casting its spell on all of creation…so gently…so beautifully…the lake could not help but respond by looking its very best…….
I looked at everything…….pulled into the intricate web of creation……I could not help but smile at the magnificence of nature… the same time…..tears streamed down my cheeks…..the human race was so small…..and yet people’s ego’s were so huge……it did not matter…..nothing did at that moment……Nature….the universe……was so big…..that human beings and their problems were so trivial……so useless…….
At that moment…..this bird appeared out of nowhere… must have been lost……because it was alone…..i assume it was an eagle……because it sounded like one……it flew into the horizon…….showing me a beautiful motion of its wings……just as it was flying away……..Planet Venus appeared…….my heart was in my mouth literally……it was as if I was eavesdropping on Natures life…..
The hide and seek that the bird and the planet played made me go absolutely silent……it was breathtaking……..
Sometime during all this I had switched on my ipod…..good old ipod had been my friend and ally through so much…..didn’t want him to miss this…..he was playing softly now…..really softly…….
It had been a walk in the clouds……..special…..grand and subtle at the same time…….it had touched my heart strings and my soul in a way only creation could……

P.S. I wish i had a photograph to describe this rendezvous.....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"Et tu, Brute?"

More mind doodles.....
"Et tu, Brute?"

Was just wondering how good ol Julius Caesar was feeling after smelling the whiff of betrayal.

Google says its Edvard Munch's birthday....always wished i could come up with "Scream" too.That painting always spoke about the state of my mind.Its screaming all the time.

I still dont get the betrayal story though......imagine having your belief in the Universe shaking...even if it is for a second.Scary thought.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hail Shakespeare !!!!!

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

William Shakespeare must have been reading my mind when he wrote the lines above.
These were the lines I always quoted in every single mail I every single year book or slam book I ever wrote in.....for the simple reason that they sounded good.
Now, they make more sense than life seems to be world seems so different....its getting so difficult to hold on to anything….not that I could ever hold on…..but…..its just new territory…….im not too sure if im going to like it……but then….time is just dragging me along…….

At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school.

School life was so much fun....I met my best friend there....the one person who knew me inside out....and now...she has to go a country far far away........not that we aint going to keep in touch…..but communication is sure going to be reduced… a handful of Instant messages… calls…..and those really sad messages…….will miss those long LAZZYYYYYYYYYY afternoons…….when we did absolutely nothing…….that nothing seems to be everything that made up my life……girl… going to miss you.
Long live technology…….

And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part.

Lately, experience...or rather life has taught me that these lines apply to each and every one of us....kind of shudder at the very thought of it....
An important realization dawned upon me.....we are just the hands of the power it fate....destiny...anything you like....but its there....
Just when you feel the world is UTOPIA....WHAM....he just has to show you what HE thinks. Sometimes I just wish he’d mind his business……but he just cant…..can he ?…..makes me smile…..a rather woeful smile……if only a human being had the cosmos in his hands…..
Imagination……come back here……

College…hmmmm…….this is where I grew up……I think putting "THE EXPERIENCE" into words….takes away from the entire sentiment……it was indescribable…..perfect……I still haven’t grown out of it……
There is something I believe in…..i believe that there is a golden light that connects you to everyone you truly hold close to your heart……the light travels from heart to heart…..soul to soul… pals are the ones I have that light traveling with……its been so special……

The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

Im yet to live these ages…….but with the golden light that binds......i sure hope my belief in humanity stays in tact…..
Life is so freaking strange……’s an angelic bitch…….It the biggest oxymoron ever……..
It’s a dream……and at the same time the biggest nightmare………..

Well……hop in………and try…..or at least pretend to enjoy the roller coaster……..because at the end of it… has never been in your hands…….
Hail Shakespeare…….you rock my world.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Speed of Light

My friend El Furibundo (as he likes to call himself) came up with an article that was rather "different" was about the speed of light.....speed of thought.....lightspeed.....and the wonderful photographs that could be shot while doing this.......

Its something ive thought about so often myself.......standing at one end of MG Road.....near Bible the night.....and watching the vehicles down the road.....the road looked untamed...raw......bursting with energy.......with all those crazy red car lights......all over......that too zipping was just those sights you want to watch....a photographer's delight.......

Kind of like Madonna's video.....Ray of Light.....

Furibundo......if i putting up a photograph too......just to get my point accross........

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Talibanisation of Indian Democracy

India has always been a role model of democracy all over the world. It was always looked upon for its practice of free speech and equal opportunities.However, two incidents have spoilt the above notion….it has pushed democracy into a corner, silencing it completely.

The first bone of contention is obviously, the quota system. It's absolutely disgusting to see the young medicos being treated like scum. What happened to all that talk about doctors being second only to God? Everything seems to be flushed away just to gain a few votes.There is so much despair when a general category person loses a seat to an SC/ST or an OBC person. All that hard work and toil…'s a big waste. It's really a heartbreaking situation.
The Indian prime minister wears the garb of diplomacy to perfection, but in reality he is just a toothless tiger dancing to the tunes of vote bank politics. He is the worst role model the youth of India can ever have.

The second issue that's rather appalling is the shabby way in which Aamir Khan's statements seems to have been handled. The B.J.P. was always a progressive party that the youth looked upto for inspiration. However, these days they seem to be letting ego's come in the way of their principles and as a result, killing democracy.

This is a free country, where free speech is a birthright. The Congress or the B.J.P cannot take this away from any of us.

Aamir Khan and the anti-quota medicos were just trying to make their voices heard…..fighting for justice…..and they seem to be getting stamped. Is this what democracy is?

Let us not encourage these regressive happenings. Let us put India back on the path of democracy. Let it again be a place where each one of us is free to do as we please.